General Rules

Cop Baiting:
Messing with police just to get a reaction or getting them to chase you.
(If you were not already doing it don’t start just because you see a Cop!)
Punishment: 3 Day Ban

VDM or Vehicle Deathmatch:
Hitting other vehicles or hitting other people with a vehicle without a valid RolePlay reason. If in a vehicle and held at gunpoint it is a reasonable to flee in fear for your life and justified if you hit them.
Punishment: 3 Day Ban

1.1 – 1

Mass VDM:
Self Explanitory.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)

Fail RP:
Failure to RolePlay, Unrealistic actions including talking through walls, as well as, passing items and people through walls and other solid objects. Passing Inventory Items between Players to avoid being caught with it while being searched. Pulling vehicles out mid RP while being chased, etc.
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban, depending on severity

EVERYONE is expected to value their character’s life. When held at gunpoint you must comply, you may not pull out a weapon or try to fight back unless they focus attention elsewhere. LEO training is not a valid excuse to attach while at gunpoint. If you both already have a gun in your hands are face to face then FearRP is voided, but if they have a gun to the back of your head you would be dead before you could turn around with your gun. No exceptions for hunger/thirst or IRL interference. If you are in a vehicle while at gunpoint you may attempt to escape in fear of dying, but do so at your own risk.
Punishment: 3 Day Ban

Breaking Character
Keep all OOC chat in the in-game OOC chat & refrain from being toxic and arguing or take it to DM’s. Use RolePlay language when talking about certain things in-game rather that IRL issues, for example IRL-GameCrash = RP-Head Popped or Headache. A list of terms can be found on our discord uner “useful-information”.
Always stay in character while in-city. Do not break character with Staff that have not responded to a staff request! Remember we may be staff but we are also here to RolePlay and breaking character just because you know we are staff is not allowed and also prevents us from being able to Stream. Instead wait for staff to respond in game or make a ticket on discord.
Punishment: 3 Day Ban


RDM – Random Deathmatch:
We require a valid form of initiation before killing someone. You must also have justified RolePlay reason for killing, the excuse of “He called my car ugly” or any meaningless insults are not justified without an escalation of the scene. Example of Proper Initiation: “keep it up and see what happens” or “Move again and I’ll shoot”. While in a group it is reasonable to have one person initiate for the group as long as all other rules are obeyed and it is made clear that you have a group and they will shoot if you command them to and that command must be said in-city so the other party can hear it. (You are responsible for you chat proximity)
Punishment: 3 Day Ban

Mass RDM:
Self Explanitory.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)


Police Interactions:
If a police officer is attempting to stop you, you must pull over and RP it out unless seen committing a serious crime or fleeing the scene of a crime you just committed. You may then escalate the RP from the traffic stop. Simple speeding, running a light or being a felon is no reason to instantly run without building up the RP scenario. Also remember you can’t kill a cop just for stopping you and the RP is not initiated until they are at your car speaking. A code-5 stop is a valid reason to evade if you choose to do so.
Punishment: 1 Day to 1 Week Ban depending on severity.

Using any information received OOC(Out of Character) to benefit you or your friends IC(In Character). Including but not limited too, using combined knowledge from other characters, watching streams, text, voice or OOC chat and 3rd party software.
Punishment: 3 Day Ban

Abusing game mechanics to gain an advantage in RP.
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban depending on severity

Unrealistic Driving:
Using any vehicles in an unrealistic manner or a manner that they are not intended. Some examples are, taking unrealistic jumps, taking normal vehicles up mountains.(Dirt and sand roads may be taken with reasonable caution in a normal vehicle) Off road vehicles must still be used to realistically/within reason.
Reasonable jumps are considered any jump no higher than a second story level.
Punishment: 1 Day Ban

New Life Rule(NLR):
If you die and “respawn” you loose all memory 20 minutes prior to dying and have no memory of your cause of death itself. A witness can give you details of what happened so you can “SLOWLY” regain knowledge. If EMS can resuscitate you, your memory must remain foggy and you do not remember characteristics of others that may be involved until a reasonable amount of RP has continued and you “SLOWLY” regain your senses. YOU MAY NOT REMEMBER IMMEDIATELY after being revived.
You can also not involve yourself into a scene you were previously in after dying.(Do not return to a scene until that scene has ended.)

Punishment: 1 Week Ban

Suicide RP:
Suicide is not a joke, but is allowed depending on the situation. If you are running from the cops and have no way of escape it is allowed BUT you may not be revived and must respawn at the hospital and loose what is on your character. No other form of Suicide RP is allowed.
Punishment: 3 Day Ban.


Default Danny:
Skipping our character customization screen, wearing basic/bugged clothing. We are are a RolePlay community. Please come with the intent to make a character and RolePlay. If you are kicked for this reason and continue to ignore the rule, you will receive a NITRP punishment(See rule for No Intent to Roleplay)
Punishment: Kick from the Server


Intentionally irritating, bullying, angering, or annoying another player regardless of intent. We do not tolerate members mistreating each other OOC or IC so please be a good sport. Ignoring this rule may lead to a Harrassment Punishment(see Harrassment Rule). This does not apply to someone unreasonably getting upset by things not going their way.
Punishment: 1 Day Ban.


Combat Logging:
Leaving to avoid a death, roleplay scenarios, staff situations, or combat. This includes robbing stores/banks and leaving to keep the loot. Selling an item and leaving before you give the item, turning a corner and leaving the game while being pursued to get away.
Punishment: 1 Day Ban

Abusing game mechanics or bugs to gain an unfair advantage. This includes Character Farming.(IA: Deleting and creating characters to transfer money, also transferring items to a friend so you can switch characters) is not allowed and your friend will also be considered guilty as well. If you find a bug or glitch please open a ticket and report it in detail.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)

Vehicle Scamming:
Attempting to scam someone out of a vehicle or money. If you are selling a vehicle you must transfer it after receiving payment. You may not attempt to sell an NPC vehicle or any other vehicle you do not actually own. If you are buying and they give the vehicle you must give the agreed amount of cash. It’s better to use the used car dealership for vehicle sales.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)

Terrorism RP:
Self Explanitory. Not Allowed.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)

Any threat towards the community or an individual.
We will be in full cooperation with IRL Law Enforcement if any threats are serious enough.
Punishment: Perma Ban, NO APPEAL!

Personal Info:
You should never be asked to provide personal information such as full name, address or any other unreasonable information. If someone asks you for personal information, please report them immediately! However, you may be asked your age by staff or a department during their hiring process and are required to be truthful.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)

Green Zones:
No Violent Criminal RP may take place inside of a green zone. This applies to all scenarios including LEO’s arresting, questioning and sentencing suspects. You may still commit minor crimes such as trespassing and stealing from cars. Green Zones apply to the interior of the structure and within the property line. Violent RP may be initiated just outside a Green Zone as long as both parties are outside the Green Zone.
A Green Zone is VOID if a player is already involved in an initiated roleplay and runs into the green zone expecting a safe passage/safety. This is not “tag”, they are still fair game.

LEO Exemption – Taking a suspect to a police station does not void the green zone as they are not considered to be running for safety.

Below are our active Green Zones:
Any Police Department
Any Hospital
Any Courthouse
Punishment: 1 Week Ban

Neutral Factions:
These factions are necessary in the city, you may not kill or kidnap these players, or steal/rob their vehicles. Currently EMT is our only neutral faction.
Punishment: 3 Day to Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets), depending on severity.

No Intent to Roleplay(NITRP)
Having no intent to actually roleplay, only here to troll others and the server.
Punishment: Kick to Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets), depending on severity.

Third Party Software:
Third Party communication software is not allowed. There are in game tools for communication, please use them while in character. May also fall under Metagaming(Rule 1.8)
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban depending on severity

Derogatory Terms:
We intend to use Twitch Guidlines with language, Racial, Homophobic, Sexual Harrassment and anything else that can be considered hate speech towards othesr will not be tolerated.
TWITCH ToS applies.
Punishment: Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets)


Common Sense:
If you have to question if what you are doing is allowed, it probably isn’t. We have various rules, with that, there are many different scenarios that would break the rules and so if something seems unfair, one sided, low quality, trolling, or questionable, it probably falls under this rule as well as others. This rule ultimately falls on you to use good judgment.
Punishment: Kick to Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets) depending on severity.


OOC Usage:
Going OOC(Out of Character) is not allowed within RP. Be careful of how you use OOC, our in-game chat is OOC and no information stated in that chat should be used IC. Giving information on locations of yourself, items and hidden locations is not allowed. For New Players, it is acceptable to inform them of what content we have but not the locations. It is up to them to use the icons on the map or find hidden locations themselves.
Punishment: Can result in a Perma Ban


Everyone is required to have a working microphone and must speak fluent english to play on Lastlife Roleplay, If your mic is not working go into your VC setting and ensure you have the proper device selected. If that did not work try turning your VC off for 5-10 seconds then back on and also check your chat proximity. Ignoring this rule can lead to a NITRP violation(Rule 3.3)
Punishment: Kick


Self Explanitory. This rule applies to In-Game and Discord.
Punishment: Can result in a Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets) depending on severity.

Account & Connection:
YOU are responsible for your account regardless of who is playing. If someone is on your account and violates any rules it will affect you. This also goes for anyone that plays on the same internet. You will face the same punishment as we ban all identifiers including IP.
Punishment: Punishment Stated in Ban Message
No Impersonation:
This mainly applies to LEO or EMT impersonation as well as whitelisted orgs/gangs. You are not allowed to use any uniforms or vehicles to misrepresent yourself. You also may not wear uniforms/cloting specifically added for whitelisted orgs/gangs. For Example: If you are not an employee of Burger Shot or in the Lost MC you would not realistically have access to their uniforms. Colors do not apply unless its is a custom EUP item specifically added for an org/gang.

You are allowed to steal Police Vehicles but may not, at any time, attempt to stop anyone using the light and/or sirens. You may never steal an EMS vehicle. See Rule 3.2 “Neutral Factions”

Police Officers & EMT – Once employment has ended you are required to transfer ownership of the vehicle to the proper member within that department. You may not use those vehicles after your employment has come to an end. If you are unable to transfer the vehicle, you must open a ticket so management+ can have it removed from your garage.
Punishment: Can result in a Perma Ban(Appealable in discord ticket) depending on severity.


Hidden Locations:
Hidden locations are not to posted or advertised in-city or discord. You may not openly sell locations using ads, tweets, or posts, but it is acceptable to sell or trade locations with other orgs/gangs. Just be discreet about it, there is a reason it’s hidden!
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban & Possible re-location of the hidden location.

LEO Items & Robbing LEO’s:
Most people only steal/rob LEO’s to get into a police chase with no genuine RP in mind or they just want the weapons. For this reason we do not allow stealing/robbing of LEO Items/Weapons.
You may still steal police vehicles, but you can not remove any items from the inventory.
In addition NO CIV may possess any LEO items or weapons.
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban depending on severity and LEO Items removed from character.


Robbing Others:
When robbing another player you may not kill them if comply. If they resist or do not comply with your demands you may kill them. All rules of Initiation, FearRP, and Common Sense still apply. You may not force a player to withdraw money and it is recommended that you don’t kill someone just because they are broke and/or have no money. You may not rob AFK players(This does not apply if they went AFK while you were in the process of initiating/robbing them) or players who just flew into the city. THIS IS NOT A 100K OR DIE SERVER!


(UPDATE 4/18/2023 6:51PM CST)
Anything you have on you that the robber can see is theirs for the taking. So keep in mind to keep your money in the bank and as little items on you as possible.
Punishment: 1-3 Day Ban

Advertising another Server:
Advertisement is not permitted.
Punishment: Perma Ban NO APPEAL!

Orgs/Gangs are allowed up to 10 members and should not be teaming with other orgs/gangs to attach another org/gang. As a gang, you are only allowed to commit violent actions with the allocated members of your gang. If you want to do some illegal things with someone that isn’t in your org/gang, ask a staff member and we will see if it is allowed. At no Point can you roll around with more than your set amount of members. This does not mean you can not roleplay with non-gang members. As an org/gang, it does not mean you have to shoot and kill every other org/gang/civ/officer in the city. You will be held to a higher standard of RP.
Punishment: Can be a Perma Ban(Appealable in discord tickets) depending on severity.

Support Requirements


Clips, Comp Requests, Bug Reports:
Clips – We recommend everyone use some form of recording software. This helps us greatly especially in bug reports and Compensation Requests. We ask that everyone provide as much evidence as possible when submitting a clip.

Player Reports and Staff Complaints:
We try to be fair in all reports and complaints but please understand that we are limited by evidence provided. We do not take sides of staff members just because they are staff.
When submitting a report or complaint please include all evidence including player ID or discord names, detailed description, images, and video with at least 1 minute of clip prior to the incident starting and at least 1 minute after the incident ends. This ensures that we have a full understanding of when things started and ended. We require that all clips have the voice audio of all involved.
Anyone found to be targeting a player or staff member just to get them in trouble wil be banned.

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